Part Time Job In Penang Pulau Tikus
Flexible working hours do more earn more pay start from rm15 per hour working area.
Part time job in penang pulau tikus. Job type full time. Nonis 76 wanted the history of this small community to be preserved so he did his own research and compiled the small volume on his ancestors history several years ago. This time it will be in the heart of georgetown specifically at jalan burma pulau tikus. Job type part time temporary contract.
5 30 pm to 10 00 pm monday friday 10 00 am to 2 00 pm saturday is a must 10 days ago. Part time weekend jobs now available in penang. Part time weekend jobs in penang. View 644 general jobs in bayan lepas penang at jora.
A founding community of penang by datuk eustace anthony nonis. Part time jobs now available in penang. Sort by relevance date job type any job type full time part time contract permanent listed date any time last 7 days last 14 days last 30 days. Chris lee chun kit 李俊杰 facebook the familymart outlet at jalan burma is located right opposite of the starbucks signing.
Rm 1 200 a month. Part time math english or mandarin tutor seberang jaya working hour. Legal firm in pulau tikus penang has vacancy for general clerk. Apply without logging in.
Sales assistant retail sales associate. Ready it will be opening this weekend on the 15th of august. Job position level internship non executive. Part time crew jobs in penang filter.
The story of how the community first settled in george town while another group populated pulau tikus was only recounted in a book titled the eurasians. Age 18 and above has own transport has a smart phone for more information about the job details kindly pm below parttime job penang please. And here s the best part we have the dates. Penang island butterworth kedah requirements.
Page 1 of 21 jobs. Any job type full time permanent contract part time internship listed date any time last 24 hours last 7 days last 14 days last 30 days. Find all job vacancies with estimated salary.