Exchange Rate Myr To Baht
Convert 1 thai baht to malaysian ringgit.
Exchange rate myr to baht. 1 myr 7 5196 thb. Current exchange rate thai baht thb to malaysian ringgit myr including currency converter buying selling rate and historical conversion chart. Convert thai baht to malaysian ringgit. 1 00 myr 7 545 927 thb.
Convert 1 malaysian ringgit to thai baht. 7 4929 thb thai baht thb 1 thb 0 13346 myr 1 myr 7 4929 thb 1 thb 0 13346 myr. 1 myr 7 5238 thb. 1 myr 7 54 thb at the rate on 2020 10 21.
The page provides data about today s value of one ringgit in thai baht. Get live exchange rates historical rates charts for myr to thb with xe s free currency calculator. Oct 22 2020 04 26 utc. View myr thb graphs.
Exchange rate malaysian ringgit to thai baht converter. Get live exchange rates historical rates charts for thb to myr with xe s free currency calculator. The interactive form of the currency calculator ensures navigation in the actual quotations of world currencies according to open exchange rates and displays the information in a graph. Current exchange rate malaysian ringgit myr to thai baht thb including currency converter buying selling rate and historical conversion chart.
1 myr 7 5327 thb. 1 myr 7 5291 thb. This is the malaysian ringgit myr to thai baht thb exchange rate history summary page detailing 180 days of myr thb historical data from saturday 25 04 2020 to tuesday 20 10 2020 highest. 1 myr 7 5231 thb.
Oct 20 2020 10 27 utc. 1 myr 7 5339 thb.